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DETECT Training - Last day

The exercise for today's morning was that one secretly chosen person initiates a dance movement that the others follow and the person in the middle (which is the only one who does not know who the initiator is) should guess.

We recapitulated the days from this week in the form of a theater.

Then we proceeded to a ceremony of saying goodbye to the area in a way that we could leave here what we would like to leave, to take what we would like to keep, to connect what we have acquired with the future, express with painting how we can use it in the future, we had the opportunity to play a game and write a poem about what we have learned here. We could also write a letter to ourselves that we will receive one time.

After the lunch, many of us enjoyed swimming in Balaton.

There was also some Greek dance in a circle.

In the afternoon program, we filled a survey and our eventual follow-up project. We have been honored by a certificate, an individual present and an opportunity to thank ourselves in front of the others (shaped in the form of a U letter).

Some wake-up activities followed, namely a finger shower, massage in a circle while standing or riding on a blanket around the room.

We had a tasty dinner (fish etc.) in the city and went on with pub crawling, karaoke singing and finished the evening at a party in a pub.

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