The Netherlands Youth Institute (Dutch: Nederlands Jeugdinstituut) is the Dutch national institute for compiling, verifying and disseminating knowledge on children, parenting and families. The main aim of the Institute is to improve the physical, cognitive, mental and social development of children and young people by improving the quality and effectiveness of the services rendered to them and to their parents or carers.
The Netherlands Youth Institute, which currently acts as the National Agency in the Netherlands for the Youth in Action programme, will continue to be the National Agency for the youth part of Erasmus+.
Erasmus+ - Netherlands Youth Institute
The new Erasmus+ programme aims to support actions in the fields of Education, Training, Youth and Sport for the period 2014-2020.
Erasmus+ encourages individual mobility, transnational partnerships and alliances to foster cooperation between organisations and institutions and to stimulate knowledge and innovation in the field of education, training and youth.
The new action of sport will support grassroots projects and cross-border challenges such as combating match-fixing, doping, violence and racism.In the implementation of Erasmus+ programme, the European Commission is assisted by the National Agencies and the European Commission's Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), which is responsible for theimplementation of the centralised Actions of the programme.
Netherlands Youth Institute
Netherlands Youth Institute :
Erasmus+ :